2021 Aug 10
You casually glance over at your phone, and you see a frenzy of messages piling up on your screen. At first it doesn’t bother you, but you hear that “ping!” again and again, and you slowly find yourself itching to check those group chat messages. The constant urge to open social media notifications has become both your savior and your enemy.
Since the onset of the global pandemic, many of us have been confined to the comforts that social media messaging platforms offer – a sense of escape and a doorway into the outside world. But along with this, comes a self-inflicted burden and pressure of never ending notifications, and having to frequently reply to texts and be a part of group conversations.
Facebook recently shared data, indicating that total messaging on all three of its platforms – Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp, has increased by more than 40% over the course of February. Given this, it is safe to say that the level of activity online has increased phenomenally. This includes group chat messaging as well.
More often than not, we find ourselves being a part of arbitrary group chats, created for one-time purposes and thereafter, although old and unwanted, are left on our WhatsApp page stacked amongst a million other chats. Even if we make no real contribution to the dialogue, we find ourselves bound to remain in these groups out of courtesy and sheer habit, while having to engage in meaningless conversations. When we leave our phones for a split second, we find ourselves more stressed than relaxed, stemming from a fear of missing out, or perhaps even the need to reciprocate.
Not responding immediately can trigger feelings of anxiety, leaving us overwhelmed and burnt-out. Instant messaging has evolved into a kind of communication debt, where we are often left fumbling to keep up with the pace and speed of conversations. Even in smaller groups, the pressure is on – constantly under the watchful eye of others in the group and under scrutiny if we don’t interact or miss out.
With that being said, it’s important to remain digitally connected whilst looking out for our own personal well-being and mental health. In light of this, as a brand that is committed towards enhancing the quality of life, Softlogic Life presents “Group Exit Day”, an official day to leave old and inactive groups. It’s a celebratory day that attempts to bring a little more peace of mind to people. This can also mean more time to spend with loved ones.
They have launched this “Group Exit Day” on July 22nd, and Softlogic Life has created an online petition to get peoples’ signatures to declare it as an official international day, starting from July 22nd, 2022 onwards, where people have the chance to start afresh by leaving the group chats that they wish to, without having to worry about the hassle of formalities and feelings of others.
It is a day that people can look forward to with each passing year – a chance to shed the weight of all old, unwanted group chats that have accumulated over time, to give themselves a little more peace of mind.
You can sign the petition here: https://ged.softlogiclife.lk/