Everything else.. He loves you. He loves you not.

He loves you. He loves you not.

2015 Oct 16

by Anonymous

This article is based on a true story.

I’m the girl who believes in the fairytale kind of love. Insane you’d tell me, but what’s so wrong with hoping that one day, Prince Charming would sweep me off my feet. Nicholas Sparks wrote about it in his books –“They didn’t agree on much. In fact, they didn’t agree on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other every day. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other,” The Notebook. This kind of love is exactly what I want, the kind that sends shivers down your spine and transforms your day. Call me crazy, but I think it exists, I know it does, and I’m lucky enough to be living that dream.

It was a couple of months ago I first met,I wasjust about to start university. I saw a spark in his eyes. The sort of spark that brightens up someone’s day. I didn’t fall head over heels right away. It took me some time to get to know him and really build on the feelings I had towards him, although I knew for sure that he had been head over heels in love with me since day 01. But with time, my god I fell in love, deeply and so subtly.

We’ve all been in relationships; messed up ones, confusing ones, and painful ones. We’ve all had our hearts broken at some point in our lives. If it hasn’t happened yet, trust me, it’ll eventually happen. Quite harsh isn’t it? I’m just keeping it real with you. We live in a world where people walk in and walk out and when they feel like it. Feelings apparently “die” or wither off when someone else comes along, and you’re left in the cold alone, again. I’ve had people walk in and out as they please, I’ve had my trust broken and my faith shattered. But I held onto to one thing. Hope. Hope that one day, someone will hug me so tight that all my broken pieces will find its way together. It took me long enough, but hold onto it, it’s worth it in the end.

To me it’s the little things that matter in life. I’m not the type of girl to measure the success of anyone’s relationship by what he gives her or by how lovey-dovey they are in public. I’m the kind that’ll look for the small gestures he would make. The ‘good morning’ or the ‘stay safe’ texts, the doors he would open for me, the little surprises, the random flowers he would get me or the deep conversations we would share.

We grow up in a world where women are objectified and used, where they are treated like toys when they should be looked after like queens. I’m not saying that men don’t deserve the same too, they do. After all, what else is the whole point of us screaming for equality? You deserve someone to love you beyond your flaws, to draw the lines between your imperfections and to treat you the way you are supposed to be treated.

Most of you are probably thinking of giving up reading this article by now. Cheesy and cliché as it, this is the kind of relationship we all want to have. How you would know if you’ve found “The one” is the question you’d want answered. Well, if he is ‘the one’, he’s your calm in the middle of the storm that’s around you. You’re shoulder to cry on, and your light to guide you through the dark. How would you know if he is all of what I told you just now? Well sadly, there really isn’t a said way for you to find out if he’s the man you would probably grow old together; seated on a swing, sipping coffee, talking to each other about the most random things. Trust me, there’d come a point in life where it feels like everything is finally in place, that’s when you’d know.

The point of having someone to call yours is to feel loved. But that’s just not it, he’s “the one” if he makes you feel protected and secure. Yes, sometimes some of you probably don’t like guys who are over protective, but it’s always nice to know that someone cares. After all, what’s the point in having someone for the sake of it?

We fight sometimes, but we can never stay mad at each other for long. Having small chick flicks only strengthens your relationship.For me, his arms are my home. That’s when you know that he’s the one. You know he’s the one when a day without him, feels like a year without rain, yes, quoting Selena Gomez like a boss. It’s the pain you feel in your limbs and all over your body from missing him.


If he makes time for you, yes, he’s ‘the one’. And I’m not talking about obligations, but if he genuinely makes time for you, he’s the man you should hold onto. They say, be with someone who would free their time for you and not just someone who’d free their time to talk to you. I have a man who’s made me his main priority, you’d probably call me shallow, and you’d argue that his world doesn’t necessarily need to revolve around you, but ladies, if your man doesn’t keep you on top and makes you feel important, sadly, he isn’t the one.

If even after years, and he does chivalrous things for you like hold your door open or carry you to your door when your feet hurt from wearing heels the whole day, or getting you your favorite chocolate when your time-of-the-month-visitor kicks in. If he remembers the song you both first danced to, years into your relationship, stick to him. He’s worth it.

Pay attention to the details. I’m a huge a fan of the Indian Cuisine and I mentioned this to him just maybe once during the first month of the relationship, and the next thing I know, he takes me on our first official date to an amazing Indian restaurant in the city. Pay attention to the details! If you can talk for hours and he’d grasp onto every word you’d say, he’s surely the one.

No woman likes a boy with eyes for everyone. Notice me calling him a boy and not a man? Honestly, if he’s with you, there’s absolutely no need of him to have to justify to you that some women he hangs out with are people he’s “just friends”. Remember, we all start as strangers. Make your girl feel like she’s your world. Having eyes for the rest of them won’t do anyone any good.


Sometimes you find your soul mate when you least expect it. You stumble upon it when you don’t see it coming. And that’s the best kind of love. The kind that happens unexpectedly, the kind that has a string of stories behind it. The kind that changes your life completely. That’s the kind of love you deserve.

Sadly, there really isn’t a way for you to really know. But you would when you would. If he makes you happy, makes you forget your past, doesn’t judge you and holds onto you no matter how hard the times get, well, you’re lucky enough to have found yourself ‘the one’. Hold onto him. Walk down the aisle to him. Sit down on a couch on a beautiful summer morning, in the house you two build together, with the children you both had together. Don’t ever let him go.

