Food Happy Food?

Happy Food?

2016 Sep 28

by Akansha Naraindas

Ever wondered about the people who eat their feelings away after painful events such as breakups? Come on, we’ve all seen the generic “girl binge eating ice cream with streaky mascara tears” image.

The real question is whether there is any real mood lifting benefit to this.

Truth is, you don’t need to look to an alcoholic beverage or a cigarette to feel better when you’re down. You can just save your liver and lungs and eat instead!

So what exactly is the science behind the certain types of foods that can instantaneously lift your mood and activate your serotonin releasers?



It is important to note the importance of serotonin in the food-mood process. It is your body’s natural mood stabilizer as well as helps regulate your body’s sleep patterns.  Studies show that serotonin levels can have an effect on mood and behavior, and the chemical is commonly linked to feeling good and living longer. Sounds great doesn’t it?

The issue is that pure serotonin isn’t really present in any foods except bananas which has been said to contain traces of it. The truth is serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan.

It is said that foods high in protein, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin B6 all tend to contain large amounts of the amino acid. However boosting your serotonin levels isn’t as simple as eating a “high tryptophan diet.”

Tryptophan usually has to compete with other amino acids to be absorbed into the brain. However, a common cheat is pairing high tryptophan foods with carbs.

Ever wondered why Mac ‘n’ Cheese is such a great comfort food?

Cheese is a great source of tryptophan. This classic Mac and Cheese recipe combines cheddar cheese with eggs and milk, which are also good sources of tryptophan, and the pasta functioning as a substantial carb to activate serotonin.

Other great sources of Tryptophan include pineapple, tofu, salmon and most nuts.

Studies show that introduction of these foods into your daily diet can substantially improve your mood.



This neurotransmitter determines your alertness, learning, creativity, satisfaction, attention and concentration levels. It also affects brain processes that control movement and emotional responses.

Low levels of dopamine can cause symptoms like frequent mood changesdifficulty focusing your mindinsomnia, fatigueanxiety, and compulsive overeating which causes weight gain.

Good news for you! Chocolate contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that plays a key role in dopamine production. Ever wondered why some of us are actually a tad addicted to chocolate? Well this is why.

For your extra hit of dopamine, look for dark chocolate in particular. Dark chocolate with more than 85 percent cocoa has the highest concentration of dopamine-building phenylalanine.

Strawberries are also excellent for this job too. A rich source of vitamin C, strawberries are important for maintaining brain health. This particular vitamin fights free radicals in the brain so that it can access dopamine easily. Try to eat more organic strawberries because they contain higher levels of antioxidants, which result in higher dopamine levels.


The truth is food is actually useful in stimulating the “happy hormones” you need. It’s useful to remember this the next time you’re feeling down and want to reach for the bottle or something else equally toxic.
