PULSE Recipes Snake Gourd Salad (Pathola) Recipe

Snake Gourd Salad (Pathola) Recipe

2017 May 23

Snake Gourd, better known as Pathola, is one of Amma’s favourite curried dishes to make- but why not bring a whole new element to this well-known vine? 

Try your hand at this delicious Pathola salad and let us know how you fare!


  • Snake Gourd 250g
  • Green Chili 3 Nos.
  • Onion 1 Big
  • Salt ¼ tsp
  • Pepper ½ tsp
  • Lime juice ½ tsp
  • Tomato 1 Big


  1. Clean and cut the Snake Gourd into very small pieces
  2. Add finely cut green chili and onion. Mix with lime juice, salt and pepper
  3. Mix well and season to requirement
  4. Finally, add tomatoes and serve

Aunty D. is a full-time mom working a little magic in the kitchen whenever she’s got time on her hands. She brings to you easy and fast recipes with a twist of Sri Lankan spices and cooking techniques. Get Cooking!
